Good Quotes

Over the years, Ive collected quotes that resonate with me. Since I dont know all the sources, Ill keep them anonymous. None of these are my original quotes. Some are from Christian sources, some from secular, but they can all apply in the Narrow Life. Enjoy!

If my concerns are the same as the concerns of the world, how can I really make a difference?

If you don’t believe, this world is as good as its gonna get. If you believe, this world is as bad as its gonna get.

I spent a long time trying to come to grips with my doubts, but need to come to grips with what I believe…..I have moved from the agony of questions that I cannot answer to the reality of answers that I cannot escape…And It’s a relief.

Those who get better are the ones who understand that their right-standing (righteousness) with God does not depend on them getting better.

We want not so much a Father but a grandfather in heaven, a God who said of anything we happened to like doing, ‘What does it matter so long as they are contented?

As Christians we should both show and tell. Showing but not telling is moralism. Telling but not showing is hypocrisy.

Do you live life in a way where the only explanation is the Gospel? Do you live a life that can only be explained by moralism.

We have two dogs fighting inside of us – a good dog and a bad dog. Which one wins depends on who we feed the most.

When you die to yourself you no longer can use the clay of your past to shape the future

He died to rescue us from our destructive diet and to satisfy us with the better meal of his Son and Spirit.

Jesus didn’t die for governments and causes. He died for people.

Irreligion is, “I don’t really have to obey anyone but myself.”
Religion is, “I obey, therefore I am accepted by God.”
The Gospel is, “I’m accepted by God at infinite cost to Jesus Christ, therefore I obey.”

Do you obey God to get things, or do you obey God to get God?

You can never be the same after an unveiling of the truth. That moment marks you as going on as a more true disciple of Jesus Christ, or for going back as a deserter.

One hundred religious persons knit into a unity by careful organization do not constitute a church any more than eleven dead men make a football team.

The Killer B’s: Buildings, Bodies, Budget.
The Big B’s: Belief, Behavior, Belonging.

When the three Bs of Belief, Behavior, and Belonging integrate fully, by the miracle and grace of the Holy Spirit a new “B” emerges — Body — the very Body of Christ.